Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I think it's weird when people describe something as "life-changing" because literally every choice we make is life-changing to some extent. For example, this morning I woke up at 9:00 instead of 8:30 like I had planned because that gosh-darn snooze button is so handy. And that choice changed my life. My entire day would have been different had I got out of bed at 8:30.

Which leads me think: am I making good choices? And I don't just mean "big" choices, like should I move to Africa? Should I just say no to drugs? I mean little, everyday choices. Because those are the choices that, sometimes slowly and gradually, change your life. And are those choices adding up to something good or bad?

Everyday I choose to workout, I am building a stronger, healthier body.

Everyday I choose to follow my weekly cleaning chart, I am making a happier home for my husband and I.

Everyday I choose to eat healthy, I am nurturing my body.

Likewise, when I choose to not workout I am letting my muscles atrophy and fat to accumulate.

When I choose to skip out on cleaning I am letting disorder settle in and will have a bigger mess to deal with later.

When I choose to eat poorly I am not giving my body the nutrients I need.

Not to say that sometimes it's not okay to skip one day of working out or eat something unhealthy every now and then. But what is the cumulative affect? Skipping one day of cleaning and doubling up the next isn't that bad. Skipping one day of working out to rest is actually good. And something unhealthy now and again is one of the enjoyments of life.

I guess it's all about habits and moderation. 

Anyway, what kind of "life-changing" decisions are you making every day? Are you creating good or bad habits?

I know that when I chose to spend time with God every day and focus on walking with Him throughout my daily activities, I feel more at peace. And it's not big, dramatic, mountain top experiences with Him. It's just little times throughout the day, a greater awareness of His presence and an attitude of thankfulness.

Because we live life in the mundane, everyday activities. Those are what matter in the long run, so make them worthy of the gospel. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Rainy days...

Rainy days always lead me to be introspective, productive and domestic. I'm not exactly sure why - it could be that rain inspires me to make coffee and the more coffee I drink the more alive I feel. Not exaggerating.

But really, I do feel more alive these days. I'm learning to cling to a higher Hope than this finite world and I think it has given me peace.

I get to quit my job next month and that thrills me. I feel like I was designed to be a housewife and that I was designed to be a mother and have a family. For the first time I feel at peace that I will have a child in God's time and I'm not letting my childlessness define me anymore. I am not less complete because of it, and that is a freeing thought. God will give us a child at the right time. I know He has not planted these desires in my heart to leave me downtrodden.

I have a pretty little container garden growing on my back steps and I am overjoyed that I have not killed my plants yet - despite many attempts! My house is clean and smells like honeysuckle and I have stayed up far too late.

I'm sure I have posted this verse a million times in a dozen other formats, but this is where I am living now. I have no fear of the future, for the first time in my life.